The only play by famed Scottish author Muriel Spark takes on the dilemmas of two intellectually ambitious women in 1960s England...
In a home overlooking London's Regent's Canal in the 1960s, two scholars debate the choices they have made with their lives. Catherine Delfont was one of the most promising minds of her generation, but after earning her PhD she gave up her research to marry a well-regarded economist and raise a family. Her cousin Leonora stayed in academia and became a successful classicist, able to observe both the breadth of history and the lives of others with brilliant, cool detachment. Together, they face the sacrifices they have made as women and intellectuals.
The full details of this, and many other shows, are lost in the mists of time. If you can help fill in the blanks - if you have a cast list, programme, photos etc - please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Performed 1972